Easter Sunday 04/09/2023
“I Am The Resurrection and The Life.” John 11:25-26
“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”
Sometimes we need a little extra incentive to remind ourselves to be generous. Knowing that God will reward our compassion and kindness towards the less fortunate can be just that!
We’ve started a advent devtional series entitled “Unwrapping the name of Jesus” Check out our Facebook pages and follow along with us for each day of advent.
FBCVallejo experienced a little bit of heaven when all 3 of our FBC congregations participating in a joint service with music and preaching in all 3 languages: Mandarin, English, and Spanish. It was a preview of what Heaven will look and sound like. You can experience the entire service on our YouTube page at https://youtu.be/pIF9OewNXtY
Here's a sample of Sunday's sermon entitled: "What To Do When Discouragement Comes". Have you ever been on a Holy Spirit high after serving the Lord, then immediately discouragement and storms come and halt your praise? Click the button below to enjoy the entire Sunday service.
Here's a sample of Sunday's sermon entitled: "Service That Leads To Worship". Continuing in the Book of Ezra. The Lord turns the Exiles service into worship. You can catch the entire sermon on our YouTube page at:
Lincoln School’s first day!
Here’s a Sermon Snippet from Pastor Cornell’s Sunday message entitled: The One Who Is Faithful To His Word. In our day and time everyone has an opinion, and everyone is fighting for power. The question then becomes “Who is in charge.”
What is Church Involvement?
Church involvement is evidence that you're a Christian. It also helps keep you from abandoning the faith. According to the author of Hebrews, the antidote to developing an "unbelieving heart" that leads you "to fall away from the living God" is to "exhort one another" (Hebrews 3:12) -- an activity that occurs most prominently in the church. BE APART OF A FAMILY OF FAITH!
Visit https://www.crosswalk.com.
How to focus on Christ during Advent
Most Christians agree that Christmas is all about Jesus, yet most of us spend little time preparing our hearts to celebrate Him. Why is this? Partly because we don’t know how.
In Unwrapping the Names of Jesus, Asheritah Ciuciu leads readers through the four weeks of Advent (Hope, Preparation, Joy, and Love). Each week:
Begins with an interactive family devotional that equips readers to celebrate Advent together
Offers five daily reflections that focus on that week's name of Jesus
Includes suggestions for fun-filled family activities or service projects
This devotional can be used by readers in their own personal worship times or as a tool to engage in family worship during the busy holiday season. Either way, participants will gain a greater sense of awe and wonder at who Jesus is.
By focusing on the person and character of Jesus throughout the Advent season, readers will prepare their hearts so that when they admire the live nativity, sit in the candlelight service, or wake up on Christian morning, they can join the faithful who sing from the bottom of their hearts, "O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!"
FBCVallejo is helping Lincoln School celebrate their Holiday Faire Wednesday, Dec. 21, 9am-1pm in their wellness center. Lori is asking for a couple people to help serve the cookies and hot cocoa along with setup and cleanup. Any questions or to sign up to help call Lori or see herat church.
The Angel Tree is up. Now is the time to choose a child to help make their Christmas merry. Your presence would help at the party on Saturday, December17, from 10:00 to 12:00. We need people for cooking, serving food buffet style, helping children make crafts, greeting families, face painting and making balloon animals. Sign-ups in the narthex or let Lori know (707)656-9695.
This is just part of the crew that help pack our 228 Christmas Child boxes for shipping today. Have you made your boxes up yet? There’s still time! Contact Lori Brown. There’s a few days left for either boxes or donations.
Every Sunday our Adult Bible Class will be beginning a study of the book of Romans. The class meets at 9:00 AM in room 204. We welcome everyone to this class. Romans is a letter that Paul wrote with a step-by-step explanation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you want to know how the gospel fits together, or would like to review how it applies to you, this is a great opportunity. Come and join our friendly and supportive class as we make this journey together.
The Lord has blessed us to begin renovating our building. The roofs have begun and as a Church we agreed to finish financing the last $12,000 needed by raising weekly offerings. Let’s continue to be faithful to our vow.
Touro University Special Guests!
Touro University were our guests at the Saturday morning barbecue. The group served the crowds Chicken, Soup and Sandwiches. If you want to step up your service to God and love a challenge, or if you have a group that wants to participate, talk to Mike Brown about helping with the 3am Street Barbecue. This event happens every Saturday morning. Get blessed by blessing others. Contact: Mike Brown at (707)-644-4064 (Church office).
If you want to step up your service to God and love a challenge, talk to Mike Brown about helping with the 3am Street Barbeque. This event happens every Saturday morning. Get blessed by blessing others. Contact: Mike Brown at (707)-644-4064 (Church office).
Men’s Breakfast is now Men’s Lunch! Remember men our meeting is now at noon at Don Trinque’s house!
Contact: Don Trinque at (415) 819-1790.
Join us this Wednesday Night at 7pm for Corporate Prayer. Afterwards we will spend time in fellowship and with a fun game of Bible Trivia.
If you are currently receiving a care call, please give your caller feedback on how best to care for you and how frequently you would like to be contacted.
If you’re not being called and you would like to be put on the list, call the Church at (707) 644-4064.
On Sunday June 12th Pastor Raymond Yu was Ordained to the office of Pastor of Vallejo Chinese Christian Church. He and his wife Josephine can be seen here with all of the Pastors in attendance laying their hands on him, to signify the ministry that our Lord has called him to, and praying our Lord would bless their labors.
Back row from left to right, Pastor Tony Zhao, Pastor Mike Brown, Pastor Patrick Lai, Pastor Jesse Austile, Pastor Samuel Jiang, Reverend Joseph Pang.
Front row left to right, Pastor Cornell Swain, Sister Josephine You, Pastor Raymond Yu, Reverend William Cheng